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The Letter Kills
A romantic dramatic thrilling crime comedy

Welcome to WordGrub!

WordGrub is proud to present our online shopping technology ... it's more than just a "website"! Please indulge us as we take a moment to highlight some of our shopping features.

• Instant Cart: Add items to your cart instantly with no page reloading.
• Product Presentation: Our new product presentation page includes a larger product image, and is mobile-device friendly.
• Mobile Devices: Speaking of mobile devices, our tech provides a comfortable shopping experience on tablets, and a completely separate experience for phones!
• Product Blocks: Our side-scolling "product blocks" are featured on our main page. You can focus on the products you're interested in without distraction. And they are also mobile friendly!
• Shipping Packages: Similar items are grouped into separate packages, and each package can have its own shipping method.
• Easier downloads: Downloadable products are easy to purchase and download.
• One-Step Checkout: All checkout info has been summarized in a simple format making checkout for existing customers incredibly quick and easy!
• Saved Payment Types: Saved payment types are not only convenient, they are far more secure. There is no more need to transmit your payment details for every order. Just select your saved payment method, and we'll do the rest in the backend. All payment details are stored in a non-human-readable format with a complex encryption algorithm to safeguard your sensitive information.
• Search: The search feature can locate products, categories, and any content on the site. And it is conveniently located in the permanent menu bar near the top of every page for easy access.

So much more

WordGrub is "prettier" than ever, including print-ready emails and order display.

Tech-saavy users might be interested to know that our backend technology is built with a custom JSON API so that shipping estimates, tax calculations, quantity pricing, and more are obtained "behind the scenes" for a smooth user experience.

Interested in using our E-Commerce system?

More details can be found at EKCCMS.com and EKCCMS.org

Click here to contact us if you have an online store and are interested in using our E-Commerce technology.

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